Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Embassy Day!

Today I have Apiyo helping me on the blog :) This morning we were  all up pretty early--I got up around 4:30 and just dinked around until Dad and Uchan finally got up around 6.  We went upstairs to have breakfast and we were very happy to see that they had buffet today!!  After breakfast we took showers and got all prettied up for our Embassy meeting.  The twins were the most adorable little people I've ever seen!!  Apiyo had on leggings and a skirt with a sparkly white shirt and Uchan had on black pants, purple button up shirt, and a purple/black striped tie--WOW!! soo very cute!!  The Embassy date went very well and was very quick..we will have all of their paper work on Thursday at 10am!! We came home and changed quick then went to the Bloom for lunch!  I took Jurnea's advice and got the spaghetti and was not disappointed at all--nice call Jur :)  We discovered that the twins like pasta so that is huge because we can definitely make pasta for them when we get home!  After lunch we went to the Care Center for a little over an hour so Uchan and Apiyo could play with their friends.  Apparently last night there were some tears from the other kids because they missed the twins so much!  It's hard to be certain because of the language barrier but it really seemed like everyone was glad they came to play so I'm sure we'll do that again tomorrow!  On the drive back to the hotel, all of us fell asleep!  We all are super tired so hopefully we'll be going to bed soon!  I can't think of anything else at the moment-if I forgot anything I'll write about it tomorrow!  I hope everything is going well for you all!!

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