Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Four:

good morning everyone!!  i won't be using any uppercase letters because this keyboard is super hard to figure out!! sorry! anyway, yesterday my family and i had one of the most stressful days we've experienced in a while.. our flight from ohmaha to houston was very good, small plane but it was ok because we only had to be on it for 2 hours.  then we boarded another plane in houston to go to frankfort, germany,  this plane could hold roughly 800 people and i swear to you every single seat was filled.  that was a very long flight, i had to sit by a man who i thought was like 18 but he kept asking for wine so i was like oh?? ok then i guess you are probably way older than what i thought. \he was from france orignally, which is soooo cool, it's not every day you get to just sit down and talk to someone from france!! he asked me all kinds of questions about why i was going to addis ababa, and like do we actually farm in iowa ha, it was quite humorous!  once we got to frankfort we literally had to run to our next departure,  we got to frankfort in letter z and had to run to c, dad told us that it would only be a little walk but oh yeah sooo little!  we got to our next plane with 7 minutes to spare, yeah that was a close one!  once we got on the plane (this plane had not even half the people of the other one we were on)  so britta, my mom and i all went to the middle isles, put the arm rests up and passed out, i didn't even eat supper let alone our "snack"  i was out the whole 6 hour trip! that felt nice, we had to stop in kartoum for a litte while to refill on gas and let some passengers off, then we took off for addis ababa, that was an easy flight, only about an hour and a half.  i think i fell asleep on that flight also, anyway so we landed, and got our visas, everything was going great! then when we got to the baggage claim we stood there for two hours and only one of our bags came.  yes, that is right 1 out of 6 bags came, and it ended up being brittas, like really?? dad mom and i can't fit into her little pieces of cloth!!! so we had to go to baggage help and ended up they stayed in frankfort so now we have to wait until tonight for our clothes to be here, theeeen since it took 3 HOURS to attempt to find our bags, our driver left that was suppose to take us to our hotel, (which is a super nice hotel!!)  luckily there was a man standing by the door who had a cell phone and could easily speak both languages, so he called our driver, about 20 minutes later our driver showed up, then he took us to addis view, oh yeah let me tell you they aren't lying about the name being addis view because as far as i can see is the beautiful city of addis!! so yeah we met the other family that is adopting there names are leah and scott! cool people! now my family and i get to go meet aypio and uchon it's now so i will blog when we get back!!  lots of love!
-jurnea harberts <3

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