Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day Eight!

Well today was one of the hardest days, i dont want to go through tomorrow i wish i didn't have to say "chow" or goodbye because its hard enough leaving them for a day, today uchan did the sweetest thing we gave him a book yesterday like a blank notebook with a pen and on the first page we wrote we love you uchan and then all our families names and then wegave it to him and today he showed us and like last night he must have done it he wrote i love mom i love dad i love chelsea i love jeff i love keshia i love jurnea i love patrick i love britta i love apiyo i love ahbea i love aysha i love kia and i love grandma i love grandma and it like brought tears to my eyes because the whole time he was showing me he was like proud and smiling :) man i love him : )  and oh  boy i dont even know where to begin with apiyo, she is such a beautiful angel :) anyway, today scott and leah left around 4 in the morning, crazy birds! but we went shopping.....again, i know! but i think we are actually done this time, then after shopping we went to see the twins at school :) that was so much fun!! they are so smart!! :) but we got to take them from school back to the care center which was probably very unusual for them because the had NEVER been outside of the school/carecenter walls besides when they had to walk back and forth, so they were very nervous, apiyo sat on my lap and we had to have all the windows shut and she made sure i had a very tight grip around her. it was kind of sad.  :( but after we spent over 3 hours with them we decided we needed to leave, because they time we are suppose to stay at the carecenter is about 2 hours, so after we decided we wanted to leave we came back to the hotel for supper my goodness these people know how to please an american girls stomach!! holy wow!! i had a beef kabab jeepers that was good!!! :) after i had stuffed myself full we all went back to the room and played ANOTHER game of phase ten, it's kind of our nightly routine :) but then britta and i started talking in the bedroom and i fell asleep, then mom came in and started yelling at me and i realized i needed to blog still, well at least she kept reminding me by shouting at me :) so now here i am it's 9:21 here at night and i am about ready to go to bed :) talking with patrick as we speak :) so i'm pretty happy!! i miss all of you!! lots of love!!
-Jurnea Harberts <3

1 comment:

  1. :) We love them (and you guys) too - you can tell Apiyo and Uchan that :D.

    Is Dad staying now or not?

