Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day Seven:

Good morning?? :)
Well today was a very heart melting day. This morning my mom and leah went to ethiopian reads, it's a place that like pays for the school, so without these sponsors, there would be no school.  After my mom and leah got back we stayed at the addis view hotel and ate lunch at the coffee shop.  I had speghetti which is weird because at home speghetti wouldn't be my first choice but here in ethiopia it most definately is my first choice!! It's amazing!  Anyway, right and i mean RIGHT after we got done eating we loaded up and headed to court! I think the most nervous person was definately leah, it was not funny but kind of commical riding to court because she sat right next to me and her eyes were closed the whole time, and she was shaking, it was cute.  But all 20ish hours of flight and this one week was all for 3 minutes.  Yes that is how long our meeting was.  Once the judge said "apiyo and uchan are now yours forever"  tears were brought to my face!! FINALLY i was thinking!! So yupp you all heard it right now, we offically have 2 new members of the harberts family as of 2:15 on November 7, 2012!! Anyway we are going to see the twins now and i dont want to miss my ride so i better go!!! TONS OF LOVE!!!
-Jurnea Harberts <3


  1. Have to share my "moment" from today. So I'm at work and I thought I should check out the blog. So I read the blog and looked up at the clock and yep it was 2:15, November 7!!!!! kyla says hi
