Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day Three:

We made it to my aunt and uncles house! I slept the whole way after we dropped off Patrick so the ride was easy!  Dad has his panties in a wad.  I don't know how many times he's asked me if we all have our passports, yes father! It's not like they just flew away! Jeeeesh. 

--Just made it to the airport, and now we're just sitting here waiting to board the plane, we made it through the stupid security! Man i hate that!  Now mom is sitting by me, and she was reading this blog, all she had to say was, i wish you would use proper grammar.  Oh boy mother!  Anyway, our plane is scheduled to depart at 12 something, so i will probably get back on to update when we get to Houston!! Lots of Love!
-Jurnea Harberts <3

1 comment:

  1. Yah! We can't wait to hear when you have made it to Addis!! Love you lots too! :D

    Chelsea and Jeff
